We have a youth minister!!!! Amy Haugh is going to lead up our youth ministry team.
Amy is a parishioner of Guardian Angels Parish who is rooted deep in her faith and does have youth ministry experience.
We are excited to have Amy on our ministry team of bringing the youth of our parish closer to Jesus as they become young adults.
What a great night for a Camp Fire! We had 18 students for games, ‘smores and a discussion about our SUPERPOWER of PRAYER! Thank you to the parents of the students who provided transportation! A special thank you to the many people who helped with our evening including Rich Mosovsky, Tom Babinsack, Francis & Loretta Beresik, Dave & Heather Wygonik, Lindsay Bock, Brian & Jamie Nee, Toni Hughes, Sean Fox, Jessica Szalla and Fr. John! And everyone else who is praying for us and encouraging us! We certainly appreciate it!
Mark your calendars for upcoming activities!!
Sunday, November 10 – OLOV
Theme: Thankful! How is your attitude of gratitude?
6-8 PM Games, Snacks & Discussion
Wednesday, November 13 – CCD Mass & Ice Cream Social
Most Blessed Sacrament Site
6:15 PM – 7:30 PM
Lectors, Servers, Gift Bearers & Ushers are needed!
Make new friends or spend time with current friends!
For more information, email [email protected] or contact Amy Haugh at 724-448-3491.