Sacramental Certificates are required to receive additional sacraments, enroll in a Catholic School, or to get married among other things. If you need to show proof of receiving your sacraments, there are some things you should know:
All sacraments are recorded at your church of Baptism regardless of where you may have received your First Communion, Confirmation, or Marriage. Due to the merger of our parishes, all Sacramental Records are currently held at the Diocesan Archives.
If you were baptized in the following churches and are in need of a copy of your baptisimal record, please contact the Archives directly at 412.456.3158.
St. Alphonsus
Holy Family
Holy Martyrs
St. Joseph
St. Ladislaus
Most Blessed Sacrament
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Our Lady of Victory
We hope this helps make the process easier. If you are in doubt or would like a copy of your records, please do not hesitate to contact the parish office at 724.226.4900.